*** Ryde Family Dentist Charter of Patient Rights *** April 2015 Ryde Family Dentist aims to provide you with a very high standard of care. You can learn what to expect from us, and how to secure the safest and highest quality care, by reading this Charter of Patient Rights. ---Appointments--- You have the right to access health care. If you want us to treat you, you must: -Make an appointment to get treatment. -Notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you want to cancel your appointment, otherwise you may be charged for missing it. We remind you of your appointment the day before by phone call, SMS or email, according to your choice. -Follow our rules and cooperate with staff. ---Safety--- You have the right to be safely treated. You must: -Always raise your concerns about safety with your dentist. -Complete a medical and medication history before your first appointment, and let us know of any relevant changes to your health at every appointment, so that we can manage your treatment risks. ---Respect--- You have the right to be respected when receiving dental treatment. You must: -Be considerate of our staff and other patients. ---Communication--- You have the right to receive enough information to make informed decisions about your treatment. You must: -Make choices and actively participate in decisions about your treatment and dental needs. -Ask your dentist for more information about the treatment and risks if you are not yet confident enough to make a proper choice. -Take your time to think about all aspects of treatment, including the price. -Communicate your decisions to your dentist clearly. ---Privacy--- You have the right to expect us to maintain the confidentiality and accuracy of the personal and health information that we hold about you, and to access it. Federal and state laws, and professional codes of conduct, compel health care organisations to keep patient information confidential and secure. Read our Privacy Pamphlet to learn more and to find out how you can access records related to you. ---Comment--- You are encouraged to provide feedback. If you wish to do so, you should: -Write to us by post or send email to quality[AT OUR DOMAIN]. You don't have to use your real name when giving feedback, unless you intend to pursue a serious complaint. -Make serious complaints and requests for refund in writing by post or email to quality[AT OUR DOMAIN]. We respond within 28 days. We review feedback regularly, to improve the safety and quality of our services. ---About Our Charter of Patient Rights--- The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care considers the rights of people seeking health care to be a national priority. Patient rights should guide the development of partnerships that improve quality of care. Inspired by the Commission's charter of rights and the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, we developed our own Charter of Patient Rights. We regularly review our Charter and look for ways to improve it. Your suggestions are welcome. www.rydefamilydentist.com.au Phone: 02 9809 3058 Mobile: 0423 031 078 977 Victoria Road (corner of West Parade) WEST RYDE NSW 2114 This document is accurate as at April 2015. You can find the current version on the Ryde Family Dentist website and at reception. Our policies may change without notice. If you have trouble reading or understanding the information, please let us know. Copyright Ryde Family Dentist 2015 Accredited to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards S0PA01.4 Plain Text Accessible Edition