*** Ryde Family Dentist Privacy Pamphlet *** November 2014 Ryde Family Dentist is serious about the privacy of your information. Our privacy policy and processes are guided by privacy laws, regulations, and respect for your comfort and convenience. Read this Privacy Pamphlet to learn how information about you is protected and how you can access it. ---Framework--- Australia has a robust privacy-related regulatory framework. Briefly, you can expect health care providers to maintain the confidentiality and accuracy of the personal and health information that they hold about you, and to get access to such information upon request. Our privacy policy and processes are to be understood in the context of the: -Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988. -New South Wales Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. -National Privacy Principles, from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. -Dental Board of Australia's Code of Conduct for Registered Health Practitioners. ---Collection and Use--- We seek relevant personal and health information from you for the purpose of providing treatment. Name, address and health insurance details are used to address accounts to you, process payments and write to you about any issues affecting your treatment. Information is initially collected through the form you fill out before your first appointment. This form includes questions about your medical and medication history. This information is reviewed at later appointments, and new information is also collected as needed, usually through discussions with your dentist during treatment. We encourage you to share all the health information that we request, particularly to minimise treatment risks, but what you tell us is up to you. However, once you permit us to treat you, we are not responsible for any adversity that arises from omissions or inaccuracies in the information you supplied. ---Storage--- Personal and health information such as histories, treatment records, x-rays etc. are kept in a secure environment. Access to the computers and software that hold such information is restricted and monitored. ---Disclosure--- Personal and health information related to you may be viewed by the dentists and assistants who work at Ryde Family Dentist. We may disclose your health information to other health care professionals, or require it from them if, in our judgement, it is necessary for your treatment. In this event, disclosure of personal details will be minimised wherever possible. We shall disclose your information if required to do so under Australian law. In such cases we will always confirm that a request is authentic and properly made before releasing any information. ---Access--- You may at any time request access to records and information related to you. We generally do not charge an administration fee. If you need help making a request, you may contact us for assistance. You must: -Request access in writing in most cases. A letter or email addressed to us is an acceptable form of written request. Your request must: > state your name, physical address and contact details; > identify the kind of information you want; > specify the form in which you wish to receive it; > if you do not intend to collect the information yourself, name the person authorised to collect it on your behalf. -Wait up to 28 days for our response. If we refuse access to any or all information, we will provide a written response with reasons. -Collect the copy of your health information yourself, or through an authorised person. Proof of identity will generally be required upon collection, copies of which may be kept by us, as a record of the release. You should come prepared with sufficient proof of identity to pass a standard 100 point check. *** If you think any information is inaccurate or otherwise in need of amendment, you must generally make a written request for us to correct it. Note that this does not apply to contact details like address and phone number, which can be updated in person, over the phone or by email. Your request must: > state your name, physical address and contact details; > identify the information concerned; > describe the problem with it, and where applicable, include amended information. Wait up to 28 days for our response. If we receive your request and do not respond, that means your information has been amended. We will contact you if we need more information, or if we refuse to amend any or all information. In the latter case we will provide a written response detailing our reasons for refusal and explaining what further options you have. ---About Our Privacy Processes--- Our active approach to privacy protection is inspired by our profession's code of conduct and the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. We regularly review our privacy processes and look for ways to improve them. Your suggestions are welcome. www.rydefamilydentist.com.au Phone: 02 9809 3058 Mobile: 0423 031 078 977 Victoria Road (corner of West Parade) WEST RYDE NSW 2114 This pamphlet is a guide. It is accurate as at November 2014. You can find the current version on the Ryde Family Dentist website and at reception. Our policies may change without notice. If you have trouble reading or understanding the information, please let us know. Copyright Ryde Family Dentist 2014 Accredited to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards S0PA02.2 Plain Text Accessible Edition